Direct and Lens Neurofeedback Specialist and the President of the Dubin Clinic in Los Angeles, CA.
Fibromyalgia Questions, Comments and the Brain Many experts believe that fibromyalgia is less a disease than an abnormal body response to stress. Areas of the brain responding to stress react differently in fibromyalgia patients than in healthy people. There is decreased activity in the opiod receptors, which may be why there is often accompanying depression…
Fibromyalgia Information: Part 1 Most common health conditions are easily cured, such as visiting this Dentist Newmarket if you have toothache, but others can be far more challenging. Fibromyalgia, a complex and often confusing disorder, does not immediately come to mind when thinking about electrostimulation of the brain. Actually, most people have been using treatment…
Autism Spectrum Disorder Updates in 6 Areas Recent years have seen some real progress in key areas of research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD): from possible genetic causes, to effective treatments for common symptoms and clinical problems, to promoting success for young people with ASD entering college. Updates on these and other advances in ASD…
Anxiety, Depression Symptoms, or Both? They Occur Together up to 50% of the Time Some material in this blog is from E. Hendriksen, PhD, Savvy Psychologist September 25, 2015 Anxiety and depression are often seen together. Like two surly friends, they seem to hang out together because no one else wants to. If you struggle…
Misunderstanding Adult ADHD-It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore Some of what I write about concerning adult ADHD comes from an article in Psychiatric Times. “Adult ADHD: A Review of the Clinical Presentation, Challenges, and Treatment Option” by Jennifer Reinhold, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP. We typically think of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a childhood problem,…
NFL Concussion Research & Brain Injury Updates Most of the information in this week’s blog comes from a very recent series of articles in the NY Times. It’s been a busy few weeks for discussing concussions in the NFL. Jeff Miller, the NFL’s senior VP for health and safety policy, was recently asked to comment…
11 PTSD Myths. 11 PTSD Realities. PTSD Myth #1 The Reality It is now clear that domestic and repeated events that happen over time can also cause PTSD. For example, years of child abuse can cause PTSD as well being raped or witnessing a natural disaster. The actual event is less important than the fear…
NFL Concussions Protocol The video below shows some of the conflicted views and emotions on the topic of football and concussions. The excitement, the sadness, the beauty of brutality, and the indignation of those who say the players know what they’re getting into. One emotion not mentioned is the universal fear of all the players,…
The Brain, Free Will & Eastern Philosophy This is not a typical blog for me because it is not clinical; the focus is not on diagnosis or treatment. But it’s still about the brain and a topic I’ve been interested in for years—free will. In this blog we’ll start with the brain, move on to…
Concussions—Myths and Facts By David Dubin, M.D. Our appreciation of concussions has come quite a long way in recent years. Some of the old “truisms” associated with concussions are now understood to be misleading and at times are outright false. Below are some of the common concussion myths and the associated facts. Further research will…