Many people consider neurofeedback to be some sort of newfangled technology that just erupted out of nowhere. Yet, they may not know that this proven technology was first utilized in a medicinal capacity in 1972 to treat epilepsy.
As you might imagine from the name, neurofeedback is a way to change the blood flow and shape of the brain over time. Consider it a reboot for the brain, in much the same way you may reboot a computer to reset it back to its original functionality.
The conditioning utilized in neurofeedback is designed to happen passively. When people think back to electricity-driven medical technologies of the 70′s, obsolete and harmful methods like electro-shock therapy come to mind. Worry not, with neurofeedback, the patient experience is free from pain or discomfort. For children, it can actually be quite fun!
Even better, unlike medication, there are no unwanted side effects from neurofeedback treatment. In all of our years offering this treatment, not a single patient has expressed discomfort or reported unwanted side effects. And while the goal of neurofeedback is to help patients wean themselves off of medication, any medication they are currently on can be continued while they undergo neurofeedback treatment.
Unlike other forms of treatment for conditions from ADHD to depression and anxiety, results from neurofeedback treatments are often reported within a few weeks time. With direct neurofeedback, many patients report immediate results. Whether it be a greater ability to focus, concentrate, or remember things, patients – depending on the severity of their condition – often see results quicker than they initially expect.
Here at The Dubin Clinic, we have been specializing in this kind of treatment for a very long time. Whether you are a veteran suffering from PTSD or a parent worried about their child’s persistent Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, we offer both neurofeedback and direct neurofeedback treatments sure to provide real relief. Contact our clinic today to learn more.