Depression Treatment Using Low-Voltage Brain Stimulation
The development of direct neurofeedback as a viable treatment for depression suggests that there can be better ways to manage mental imbalances.
DetailsThe development of direct neurofeedback as a viable treatment for depression suggests that there can be better ways to manage mental imbalances.
DetailsWhile there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to treating neurological disorders, patients’ results are indicating Direct Neurofeedback as a positive form of ADHD treatment.
DetailsDepression treatment does not have to be stigmatized. Allow yourself to take the steps necessary to heal your mind.
DetailsAttention deficit disorder is often socially construed as a blanket ideology for hyper kids and adults who lack prolonged focus. This is not necessarily the case.
DetailsWe all deal with anxiety from time to time, yet prolonged, deep-seated anxiety can cause major changes in brain chemistry.
DetailsPTSD dramatically changes critical structures in the brain.
DetailsDirect Neurofeedback engages areas of the brain associated with positive thought to help treat people with depression.
DetailsFrom diet to exercise and more, your nervous system directly benefits from better lifestyle choices.
DetailsNeurofeedback has been around for a long time. Now, people are seeing benefits of its use treating a number of conditions associated with the brain.
DetailsTraumatic Brain Injury Types When I did my training in Emergency Medicine, very little was known about traumatic brain injury. As well as basic first aid training from an organisation similar to Coast2Coast, we were only taught two basic guidelines on how to tell if a patient had experienced a concussion. We now know that…